Welcome to Zen Health Fitness
Thanks for stopping by our site ZEN HEALTH FITNESS. We decided to do this site for all the couch potatoes out there. The people who don’t want to run marathons, who hate the cult of cross-fit (Actually we’ve done a few cross-fit classes), we are of the average people for the average people.
Whats our Philosophy
We believe that feeling healthy and being fit can be achieved, but as part of the everyday grind, we call modern life. Let’s face facts modern life is busy, we work more hours than ever before, we are engaged more socially than ever before (thanks Mark Zuckerberg), and we try to do more with our time than ever before.
With two out of every three Americans now considered to be overweight or obese (wikipedia), Its time to take a stand and say ” NO MORE” No more will we feel horrid, and no more will we feel out of breathtaking the garbage bins out, NO MORE feeling and looking like crap.
We want more energy, we want to feel better, we want to eat right, and exercise a moderate amount. That’s what ZEN HEALTH FITNESS is dedicated to, average people feeling better every day.
Can We Help you
Well, we want to support and help you as much as possible. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you.
Workouts of the Day
We regularly put up Workouts of the day, or exercise programs that you can use in your home, we try to structure as many as we can that you can do down at your local park, or if you are at the gym.