Health Ninja
Body Blast – Workout 1

If you’re the type of person that shies away from exercise, because you think it’s some life-long journey. Doing a body blast 6-week workout place can make a difference. You don’t have to go to the gym and lift heavy weight. You can throw that thinking out the window. There are plenty of ways you […]
Bikram Yoga – Its Really A Hot Workout
There are many types of yoga, but Bikram yoga stands out. Even though the practice is largely the same, you’ll immediately notice the difference in the environment. The room in which Bikram yoga is performed is heated between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit! Bikram yoga follows a consistent program, employing 26 various poses, each of […]
Vitamin C – Is It Really The Wonder Vitamin?
Vitamin C has possibly gotten more publicity than any other vitamin, but what are the facts? Is it a wonder vitamin? Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) may be a “wonder vitamin” in some people’s books. A lot of claims have been made for it in the past few years, not the least of which was Dr. […]
Water – The Truth You Need To Know
There is a general opinion that everyone would benefit from drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. As there is no real scientific evidence to back this up, it comes down to the person. Your body does require hydrating every day. However, it should be remembered that there is a certain amount of […]
Benefits of Organic Food – How it Can Help Your Lifestyle
The popularity and adoption of organic food worldwide have increased dramatically. The benefits of organic food are now mainstream in the fitness and lifestyle culture. The term organic refers to how crops are grown and processed. To label any product as organic certain requirements must be met by the farmer or producer. Organic crops must […]
Boosting Your Life with Daily Exercise
If you are willing and able to incorporate exercise into your tight schedule, you have taken the first step towards boosting your life with daily exercise. Research has indicated that even 15 minutes of daily exercise can help ease depression, relieve stress, and enhance one’s self-image. Exercise is meant to make you happy; it doesn’t […]
Rethink Your Fridge For Your Lifestyle
When it comes to your lifestyle. It doesn’t matter if it is weight loss, weight gain, or just a shift in your general lifestyle and you want to feel a little better. You should rethink your fridge. Yes correct, the first step to changing your diet is rearranging your refrigerator. How you position your groceries […]
5 Weight Loss Gimmicks To Avoid Under Any Circumstances
These days, people seem to think that there is an easy fix for everything. This is very obviously not the case. If you want to lose weight, you might be attracted to the prospect of losing all that extra fat through gimmicks that claim not to take that much time at all. However, you would […]